大賀典雄 Norio Ohga,4月22日在東京去世,享年81歲。他在1982年到1995年擔任Sony總裁,就是Sony最光輝的時代。
Hardware and software are two wheels on a car. 硬體及軟體等同於汽車的兩個輪子,缺一不可"
你似乎可在他身上看到Steve Jobs成功的方式,Steve Jobs買了Pixar皮克斯動畫,買了娛樂公司,成立iTunes,創造數位音樂王朝,就是看上早晚必走的路線。Steve Jobs到處強調軟體的重要,卻一方面對硬體設計斤斤計較,要求完美,跟早期的Sony一樣!
蘋果前CEO執行長John Sculley,講的更白:
Steve Jobs wanted to be Sony!(Steve Jobs was in love with Sony. Sony's products, Sony's factories, the clothes the workers wore, everything - Jobs loved it. Sony's CEO gave Sculley and Jobs the first Walkman and tours of the factories that made them, and
all this impressed Jobs a great deal.)