蘋果生態園區是一個管理嚴格的園區,跟新加坡很類似。新加坡政府管理很嚴格,人民犧牲部份自由,換來安全和繁華。這個生態園區有硬體有軟體,都依蘋果的規定進行。它可能不理會世界的遊戲規則,譬如新加坡政府不准人們吃口香糖,蘋果不准你在iPhone,iPad上用flash,也不准色情軟體進入 iTune。這個蘋果生態園區到處都是警察,進來的軟體需經核准,保證無病毒,而且穩定運作。台灣有如PC,是自由掛帥,換來不安全和腐敗。但台灣和PC亦有好處,很自由。只是這種自由常常背面亦有人在控制。譬如你只能使用微軟控制的規格,如office,或你只能用Adobe的Flash看網頁,等等。微軟等在背面無形的操控,只是大家不知道!
現在的問題是你要不要跳出微軟無形的管控,加入這個蘋果生態園區 apple ecosystem?
1. Mac-iPod-iPhone-iPad?
2. iPod-iPhone-Mac-iPad?
3. iPhone-iPod-Mac-iPad?
4. iPad-iPhone-iPod-Mac
2010年4月9日 星期五
色情網路軟體porn app是Android的優點?
在iPhone 4.0 的大會上蘋果老闆Steve Jobs引證在Android手機上有色情相片 app。所以說iPhone, iPad 的app蘋果要幫你或妳把關!
但家中有小孩者,Android 勿進!
但家中有小孩者,Android 勿進!
iPhone 4.0正式封鎖Adobe flash
蘋果和Adobe flash 的戰爭未了,蘋果正式在iPhone 4.0版封鎖Abode flash。在iPhone 4.0 SDK上白紙黑字寫到iPhone的遊戲規則:
3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs.
3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited).
Adobe 下週才要發表的Create suit 5,但危機已提前來臨了!看來想利用Flash寫一軟體通用於iPhone, Mobile Phone 7, 或是Google Android的幻想破了!難怪台北天瓏書局的iPhone SDK,Objective C, C++,C 的書都排到第一排來賣了!
3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs.
3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited).
Adobe 下週才要發表的Create suit 5,但危機已提前來臨了!看來想利用Flash寫一軟體通用於iPhone, Mobile Phone 7, 或是Google Android的幻想破了!難怪台北天瓏書局的iPhone SDK,Objective C, C++,C 的書都排到第一排來賣了!
iPhone 4.0
今天蘋果凌晨1點發表iPhone 4.0,但Jobs先上台說iPad只賣了45萬台了。大慨賣的速度太快,也算不準?
100個新使用者介面 (如藍牙鍵盤和桌面背景等)
1. Multitasking 多工(background audio背景音樂, voice over IP 通訊背景接聽, background location背景定位(如背景導航), push notifications通知, local notifications定點通知(不用經過server), task completion 不中斷運行(如接電話不影響app作業進行), fast app switching程式變換快速跳回原位)
2. Folder app檔案夾(drag and drop UI 拖拉操作, intelligent naming 智慧命名, 180 change to 2160 apps 使用2160個app!!)
3. Enhanced mail 加強版的mail (unified inbox, maultiple exchange accounts, fast inbox switching, threaded messages, open attachments with apps)
4. iBook (delightful ebook reader, iBookstore, buy once, read anywhere, sync page and bookmarks, free Winnie the Pooh)
5. Enterprise 商業應用 (better data protection, mobile device management, wireless app distribution, multiple exchange accounts, exchange server 2000, SSL VPN support)
6. Game center 遊戲中心 (social gaming network, invite friends, matchmaking, leaderboards, achievement)
7. Mobile advertising iAd 手持裝置廣告iAd (emotion+interactivity, Ads keep you in your app, built into iPhone OS, Apple sells and hosts the ads, 60% revenues to developer)
但是天佑iPhone ,可千萬不要變慢,不要耗電。慢和耗電比功能重要!!!!!
這樣多工作要iPhone執行,看來非A4 (CPU system-on-a-chip)不行了!A4是幕後主角!?
100個新使用者介面 (如藍牙鍵盤和桌面背景等)
1. Multitasking 多工(background audio背景音樂, voice over IP 通訊背景接聽, background location背景定位(如背景導航), push notifications通知, local notifications定點通知(不用經過server), task completion 不中斷運行(如接電話不影響app作業進行), fast app switching程式變換快速跳回原位)
2. Folder app檔案夾(drag and drop UI 拖拉操作, intelligent naming 智慧命名, 180 change to 2160 apps 使用2160個app!!)
3. Enhanced mail 加強版的mail (unified inbox, maultiple exchange accounts, fast inbox switching, threaded messages, open attachments with apps)
4. iBook (delightful ebook reader, iBookstore, buy once, read anywhere, sync page and bookmarks, free Winnie the Pooh)
5. Enterprise 商業應用 (better data protection, mobile device management, wireless app distribution, multiple exchange accounts, exchange server 2000, SSL VPN support)
6. Game center 遊戲中心 (social gaming network, invite friends, matchmaking, leaderboards, achievement)
7. Mobile advertising iAd 手持裝置廣告iAd (emotion+interactivity, Ads keep you in your app, built into iPhone OS, Apple sells and hosts the ads, 60% revenues to developer)
但是天佑iPhone ,可千萬不要變慢,不要耗電。慢和耗電比功能重要!!!!!
這樣多工作要iPhone執行,看來非A4 (CPU system-on-a-chip)不行了!A4是幕後主角!?
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