2011年9月2日 星期五


MarketWatch的一篇文章說明了平板恐怖的現實,"Tablet PC Price Wars Explode as Carnage Looms 平板低價戰爭如大屠殺迫近似地暴花了",而事實上這就是老人所預言提多次的"平板泡沫化。

Jonathan Ive 和 Tim Cook 比 Lady Gaga 有影響力

蘋果的五虎將(蘋果五虎將:Steve Jobs的左右手,現在應是一帥4虎),Jonathan Ive 和 Tim Cook 比 Lady Gaga 有影響力?
這是Vanity Fair浮華世界雜誌十大最有影響力的表列:

1. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
2. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google
3. Jeff Bezos, Amazon
4. Tim Cook and Jonathan Ive, Apple
5. Jack Dorsey, Square, Twitter
6. Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz
7. Reed Hastings, Netflix
8. John Lasseter, Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios
9. Lady Gaga, singer
10. Dan Doctoroff, Bloomberg L.P.


位於加州矽谷的史丹福大學一向和蘋果合作良好,Steve Jobs 2005年的演講就在史丹福大學。早期該大學就開始參於iTunes University計畫,是iTunes U大學成功的先例。許多的課程都免費提供在iTunes U裡供大家使用。2008年該校的 "iPhone Application Programming" 課程也是在iTunes U裡。
" The core goal of the iPad initiative is to improve the student learning experience. The decision to provide the devices was prompted by a desire to give students flexible access to the content that they need whether it is a virtual cadaver in dissection lab, annotated lecture slides and videos in the classroom, or journal articles for evidence-based practice in clinic.
“We want to explore the use of iPads and other technologies to help students access the enormous amount of medical knowledge that is being produced constantly,” said Charles Prober, MD, the school’s senior associate dean for medical education. “Part of the challenge facing medical students, and all doctors, is the overwhelming amount of information. Devices like the iPad may be able to help users access that pool of knowledge.”
The school will monitor the use of the iPads through regular surveys to help determine how helpful they are to students, pointing out that past experiments with similar electronic devices, such as the Kindle, in academic settings haven’t been successful.
“We really don’t know yet how the incoming medical students will use them,” said Henry Lowe, MD, senior associate dean for information resources and technology. But, as a physician using an iPad himself, he’s found the device to be extremely helpful and believes it is growing in popularity among doctors.
“Physicians are a mobile group,” Lowe said. “They’re moving around from clinic to clinic, from patient to patient. … I’ve seen a variety of reports from across the country saying that physicians have seized on the iPad as a helpful device.”
For at least one current student, there’s no question that an iPad is helpful with her medical education.
“Pretty much this is a perfect tool for what I need to do,” said Stesha Doku, a 23-year-old, second-year Stanford medical student from North Carolina who recently bought an iPad. “I use it for reviewing slides from last year, for saving everything in one place. I probably won’t use my laptop in class anymore. "

老人認為每位醫學院學生有iPad就都應有 "Papers",在麥金塔上也可考慮使用"Papers 2 for Mac" (類似Endnote和Bookends,可參見國內Kornelius blog)。
事實上不只醫學院,許多美國大學都在使用iPad教學,如最近的紐澤西州立羅格斯大學Rutgers University、等。


根據Net Applications,行動瀏覽器市場有很大的變化。蘋果的Safari今年6月以來,已連續5個月佔率破50%。去年10月是44.3%,而最近的8月是53%。
事實上,許多人用iOS上網不是用Safari,以老人而言都一律用Atomic Web。而蘋果相關網站用Pulse,所以App上網比瀏覽器多(見使用App上網開始比瀏覽器多)。