圖來自 9to5mac,Tanner Curtis
Steve Jobs傳記的作者Water Isaacson接受財富雜誌的早餐訪問,談Steve Jobs和蘋果。
“Time Cook + Jony Ive = Steve Jobs”
但根據 9to5mac,他還提出一些談論Steve Jobs的話,但最重要的是:
“The biography did not cover every detail from Isaacson's many interviews with Jobs spanning two years. During that time, “Jobs got more and more emotional and intimate”. Steve opened up his personal side to Isaacson, which was in stark contrast to his separation of private life and his public face as the CEO of Apple. But some things are best kept secret: “There were very personal things I left out”, Isaccson said.”傳記沒有透露全部作者兩年內和Steve Jobs會談的內容細節,因為那段時間和Steve Jobs的會談內容,愈來愈情緒化和私密化。Steve Jobs打開他的心中的私密,和他過去完全把自己的私生活和當為蘋果執行長的公共角色明顯分開時不同!有些事件最好保密,因為有關個人私密的秘密我沒寫出。
其他訪問時他還提出他對Steve Jobs的看法:
“There's an emotional connection Steve Jobs made across the world – like a rock star or a prince”
“Steve thought the digital hub had moved from the computer to the cloud.”
“He really was this ultimate micro-manager and a visionary in one person: “Some great business leaders do it by having a grand vision; some do it by micromanaging. Steve did both.” 他是真正具有兩項能力,微控和遠見的人。許多領導者,有其中一項,但他兩項兼具。
“The was a very efficient manager, too: “He could get things done on a timeline that was amazing to most.” 他也是很有效率的經營者,最讓人驚艷的是他老是能依既定時間表把事情做好。
“He had a unique quality that is a component of genius: the ability to connect art and science.” 他有特異的個性天份,有天份能把藝術和科學聯在ㄧ起。
所以Steve Jobs,是集合微控大師、有遠見、高效率、科技、人文、等於一身的人。
總而言之,“Steve left us with a mystery.”
老人:有關micro-manager微控和蘋果管理方式,請見“蘋果管理架構、蘋果公司的經營正由Steve Jobs的微型管控進入授權管控、Google需要更多工程師?(100萬個)、等”。
但根據 9to5mac,他還提出一些談論Steve Jobs的話,但最重要的是:
“The biography did not cover every detail from Isaacson's many interviews with Jobs spanning two years. During that time, “Jobs got more and more emotional and intimate”. Steve opened up his personal side to Isaacson, which was in stark contrast to his separation of private life and his public face as the CEO of Apple. But some things are best kept secret: “There were very personal things I left out”, Isaccson said.”傳記沒有透露全部作者兩年內和Steve Jobs會談的內容細節,因為那段時間和Steve Jobs的會談內容,愈來愈情緒化和私密化。Steve Jobs打開他的心中的私密,和他過去完全把自己的私生活和當為蘋果執行長的公共角色明顯分開時不同!有些事件最好保密,因為有關個人私密的秘密我沒寫出。
其他訪問時他還提出他對Steve Jobs的看法:
“There's an emotional connection Steve Jobs made across the world – like a rock star or a prince”
“Steve thought the digital hub had moved from the computer to the cloud.”
“He really was this ultimate micro-manager and a visionary in one person: “Some great business leaders do it by having a grand vision; some do it by micromanaging. Steve did both.” 他是真正具有兩項能力,微控和遠見的人。許多領導者,有其中一項,但他兩項兼具。
“The was a very efficient manager, too: “He could get things done on a timeline that was amazing to most.” 他也是很有效率的經營者,最讓人驚艷的是他老是能依既定時間表把事情做好。
“He had a unique quality that is a component of genius: the ability to connect art and science.” 他有特異的個性天份,有天份能把藝術和科學聯在ㄧ起。
所以Steve Jobs,是集合微控大師、有遠見、高效率、科技、人文、等於一身的人。
總而言之,“Steve left us with a mystery.”
老人:有關micro-manager微控和蘋果管理方式,請見“蘋果管理架構、蘋果公司的經營正由Steve Jobs的微型管控進入授權管控、Google需要更多工程師?(100萬個)、等”。