根據IHS iSuppli,全球智慧型手機雖然出貨很旺,但在2011年第一季的出貨量還是比上一季(去年年底假期季節)下降1.5%!
只是蘋果iPhone仍比上一季增14.9%,佔19.2%!這反應了蘋果在Verizon CDMA-iPhone推出的效應!
五大廠(Nokia, Apple, RIM, 三星,HTC)佔82.2%!
2011年5月10日 星期二
1994年的超級電腦:iPad 2
來自紐約時報的報導,根據電腦科學家Jack Dongarra的估計,iPad 2的速度如果用測量電腦數算能力的Linpack benchmark來測量大約是1.5到1.65 gigaflops (billions of floating-point per second)。如果把她放在歷史上的超級電腦上來比,到1994年為止,她都將是世上第一快速的超級電腦!
Jack Dongarra想要把多個iPad聯合起來組成超級電腦!最大的好處:能源和省電! 超級電腦和超跑一樣,都有耗電和熱量問題。
以每位顧客的平均營收金額(average revenue per user ,*這數據對電訊公司很重要,反應每位顧客的消費度)來看,日本第一大電訊公司NTT DoCoMo和第二大電訊公司KDDI,都下降(5.2%和9.7%),但唯獨軟體銀行Softbank增加3.5%!!
看來蘋果的效應在日本是很顯著的!真的是"黑船Black Ships"來了!(見是誰最不希望iPad成功?)
Adobe終於想通了,發表3個iPad App:
Adobe Eazel ($4.99)、Adobe Nav ($1.99)、Adobe Color Lava ($2.99)。
Adobe Eazel讓你在iPad上塗料繪圖。完工後網路或eMail傳到Photoshop CS5。
Adobe Nav讓你透過iPad以網路方式制定個人的Photoshop CS5 toolbar來遙控電腦端的Photoshop。
Adobe Color Lava提供iPad上的調色功能和客製化主題,可傳至電腦端的Photoshop CS上使用。
簡單來說Adobe的3個App就是把iPad化做電腦上Photoshop CS的補助裝置!(這倒是個新運用!若能成功,其他軟體可跟進!)
三個App都需Adobe Photoshop CS5 version 12.0.4 版本以上。
Adobe Eazel ($4.99)、Adobe Nav ($1.99)、Adobe Color Lava ($2.99)。
Adobe Eazel讓你在iPad上塗料繪圖。完工後網路或eMail傳到Photoshop CS5。
Adobe Nav讓你透過iPad以網路方式制定個人的Photoshop CS5 toolbar來遙控電腦端的Photoshop。
Adobe Color Lava提供iPad上的調色功能和客製化主題,可傳至電腦端的Photoshop CS上使用。
簡單來說Adobe的3個App就是把iPad化做電腦上Photoshop CS的補助裝置!(這倒是個新運用!若能成功,其他軟體可跟進!)
三個App都需Adobe Photoshop CS5 version 12.0.4 版本以上。
微軟的數學救不了華碩的Eee PC
"微軟人"或"PC人"一向數學很好(見你是蘋果人,還是微軟人?或美國版的蘋果人還是PC人)?所以微軟喜歡教你數學。"Do the Math"一向是微軟最喜歡的事。為了PC的出貨在1.2.3.月不理想,所以微軟在網頁要教你數學!
因為蘋果的MacBook Air賣的很好,所以微軟把她拿來跟PC的netbook比。
結果當然是PC的Netbook便宜多了。所以數學一算MacBook Air輸多了,所以微軟要你買PC netbook。
問題是,誰都知道netbook根本不是Macbook Air等級。
根據MacCNN引述Digitimes的報告,華碩的Eee PC在四月份只出貨35萬台。
看來數學好也沒用!微軟救不了華碩的Eee PC!是不是全世界大眾都不會數學?
Do the math before you buy a BMW?
Do the math before you buy a LV?
Do the math before you buy a Microsoft Office?
Do the math before you buy a Motorola Xoom?
Do the math before you go to a movie Thor?
Do the math before you......
因為蘋果的MacBook Air賣的很好,所以微軟把她拿來跟PC的netbook比。
結果當然是PC的Netbook便宜多了。所以數學一算MacBook Air輸多了,所以微軟要你買PC netbook。
問題是,誰都知道netbook根本不是Macbook Air等級。
根據MacCNN引述Digitimes的報告,華碩的Eee PC在四月份只出貨35萬台。
看來數學好也沒用!微軟救不了華碩的Eee PC!是不是全世界大眾都不會數學?
Do the math before you buy a BMW?
Do the math before you buy a LV?
Do the math before you buy a Microsoft Office?
Do the math before you buy a Motorola Xoom?
Do the math before you go to a movie Thor?
Do the math before you......
蘋果大學教你無Steve Jobs仍能生存
老人在去年8月曾介紹過蘋果大學Apple University(見大學生愛蘋果,十年來增加14倍)。其中提過2008年秋蘋果內部也開始設立蘋果大學 (Apple U.),由Joel Podolny帶領。這位仁兄曾任職於史丹佛、哈佛、耶盧。顯然的蘋果不只注重教育市場,也注重內部教育。以往Steve Jobs帶領的Pixar,也有Pixar U. 所以Jobs把Pixar的經驗帶入蘋果。
現在傳出Joel Podolny在蘋果大學內,教導學友學習蘋果的經驗,以對付將來Steve Jobs將來離開後,仍能繼續蘋果的傳統!
所以最近謠傳蘋果可能買下Nuance公司。但Nuance已上市,價格昂貴,達60億美元,甚至於100億美元!根據TechCrunch,蘋果大慨不會買下Nuance,但會跟其合作,而North Carolina的新資料中心,未來開啟後,就會以Nuance的語音技術,提供將來iOS 5的語音服務中心。
iOS 5的語音控制和服務會不會變為iPhone的手指觸控技術以來,最大的人機介面突破?
微軟以70至80億美元買下Skype? (85億成交)
這將是微軟成立以來36年來最大的一筆買賣!以往最大的一筆是2007年以60億美元買下網路廣告公司aQuantive Inc。
PS: 已正式,購買價是85億美元!
這將是微軟成立以來36年來最大的一筆買賣!以往最大的一筆是2007年以60億美元買下網路廣告公司aQuantive Inc。
PS: 已正式,購買價是85億美元!
Google Blog部落格編輯大當機
五月9日開始Google Blog部落格的編輯發生大當機,可輸入標題等內容,但內文完全無法編輯也看不到以前文章的內容。到5月10台灣早上11點後才恢復!
"It appears that several people are suffering today from what is known as the Spinning Issue. This is where the Editor does not finish loading and you get a Spinning icon in the middle of the post.
If this is affecting you please answer ALL the questions below.
1) What Browser and version are you using? (Normally Help, About will tell you) Make sure you have the latest version
2) Do you have any Popup/Ad Blockers installed?
3) Have you tried clearing your cache (http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache)
4) Do you have the latest version of Adobe Flash (http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP)
5) Does it happen if you use another browser like Chrome?
6)Have you tried using the other editor either New/Old. (To revert back to the Old/New editor go to your Dashboard and click on Settings and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Old/New editor)
7) If you use IE8 or IE9 try pressing the compatibility button (at the end of the address bar) when you're on your blog page.
8) What is your Blog URL/LINK
9) What Operating System are you using? (eg Windows 7, Vista, XP, Linus, MAC)
10) Try resetting your Modem/Router.
11) When did the problem first start happening and have you recently made any software upgrades that coincide with the issue.
Google Engineering are now aware of this issue and any updates will be communicated in this thread."
"It appears that several people are suffering today from what is known as the Spinning Issue. This is where the Editor does not finish loading and you get a Spinning icon in the middle of the post.
If this is affecting you please answer ALL the questions below.
1) What Browser and version are you using? (Normally Help, About will tell you) Make sure you have the latest version
2) Do you have any Popup/Ad Blockers installed?
3) Have you tried clearing your cache (http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache)
4) Do you have the latest version of Adobe Flash (http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP)
5) Does it happen if you use another browser like Chrome?
6)Have you tried using the other editor either New/Old. (To revert back to the Old/New editor go to your Dashboard and click on Settings and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Old/New editor)
7) If you use IE8 or IE9 try pressing the compatibility button (at the end of the address bar) when you're on your blog page.
8) What is your Blog URL/LINK
9) What Operating System are you using? (eg Windows 7, Vista, XP, Linus, MAC)
10) Try resetting your Modem/Router.
11) When did the problem first start happening and have you recently made any software upgrades that coincide with the issue.
Google Engineering are now aware of this issue and any updates will be communicated in this thread."
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