Steve Jobs剛在D8接受訪問,大約重點如下(有興趣的得看全文):
1. 蘋果不會報復Google:不會進入搜尋事業,不會拿掉在iPhone上Google搜尋 ( Bing無望?),和App。但他也提到Google CEO Eric Schmidt沒有事前照會蘋果有關Android的事。但對於他有沒有感覺被出賣的問題 (因為Eric Schmidt曾是蘋果董事會的成員),只以笑話 (My sex life is pretty good, how's yours?) 推開,說那是個人問題。
2. 富士康不是血汗工廠 (sweatshop),但接連的自殺事件令人擔憂 (copy cat suicides),蘋果已派人去了解情況。
3. 對於Flash:"We choose what tech horse to ride (蘋果要騎對馬(選對技術)), we look for tech that has a future and is headed up. We got ride of the floppy altogether in the first iMac. We got rid of serial and parallel ports. You saw USB first in iMac. We were one of the first to get rid of optical drives, with the MacBook Air....Sometimes you have to pick the right horses. Flash looks like it had its day but it's waning, and HTML5 looks it's coming up....We told Adobe to show us something, and they never did. If the market tells us we're making bad choices (指不用flash), we'll make changes."
4. PC 和 微軟:PC是大卡車(trucks),大部分人不需要,但不要消失。蘋果從不跟微軟打平台戰爭(paltform war),這大慨是蘋果打輸的原因,蘋果的思維只是想生產更好用的東西!(We just wanted to make the best thing. How can we build a better product?) 後PC時代,轉換是不可避免的(inevitable),但PC帶領大家太久了,對部分使用者轉換會有不安和不適應的適應期,時間來適應是必要的。
5. iPad:跟Tablet PC最大的思維差異在於:不使用觸控筆當介面。"The minute you throw a stylus out, yo have the precision of a finger, you can't use a PC OS. You have to create it from scratch." (請見老人手指和筆的戰爭) Jobs亦提到iPhone事實上是由早期蘋果的Tablet原型機來的慨念。所以是先有Pad概念再發展到到iPhone上。
.....還有其它,太多了,老人打不來....很精采,一定有年輕人可完全翻譯。但老人很高興的是Jobs提的慨念,很多老人都早已先提了(如copy cat suicides)!
"The best ideas have to win, otherwise you don't have good people who stay."