2011年6月5日 星期日

蘋果本身的零售店感言:We've learned a lot 我們學了很多

蘋果直營實體零售店上個月5月19日開幕滿10年開幕(見蘋果實體零售店10週年紀念:Apple Store 2.0),Apple Store 2 最大的改進就是利用iPad提昇服務的品質。
根據MacRumors,蘋果提出了Apple Store的感言海報:We've learned a lot我們學了很多。
"In the last 10 years, we've learned a lot. We've learned to treat every day with the same enthusiasm we had on the first day. We've learned the importance of giving our customers just as much attention as they give us. And we've learned the art of hiring the right people for the right positions. We've learned it's better to adapt to the neighborhood rather than expecting the neighborhood to adapt to us. Which is why we spend so much time and energy building stores the way we do."
"在過去 10年中,我們學到了很多東西。我們學會了對待每一天的態度都跟第一天開幕一樣的熱情。我們學到了顧客對我們的關注的重要性,我們也會對顧客提供同樣多的關注來回饋顧客。我們已經學會了僱用合適的人在合適的位置來服務顧客的藝術。我們學會了,最好去適應鄰里街坊,而不是期待鄰里街坊來適應我們。這就是為什麼我們花那麼多時間和精力來建設蘋果直營零售店的原因。"


