2011年6月5日 星期日

Steve Jobs傳記(iSteve:The Book of Jobs)開始預購

老人報導過,美國出版商Simon & Schuster,指出Steve Jobs授權的自傳"iSteve: The Book of Jobs"將在2012年年初出版。(見Steve Jobs自傳在2012年出版: iSteve: The Book of Jobs)
"iSteve: The Book of Jobs"。將由著名的時代雜誌傳記作家Water Isaacson撰寫。
Water Isaacson非常有名,寫過科學家愛因斯坦(Einstein: His Life and Universe)、班傑明富蘭克林(An American Life)、和季辛吉 (Kissinger: A Biograph),等的傳記。
現在Amazon已開始預購將於2012年3月6日發售的iSteve: The Book of Jobs"!預售價19.8美元!
"From bestselling author Walter Isaacson comes the landmark biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. In iSteve: The Book of Jobs, Isaacson provides an extraordinary account of Jobs’ professional and personal life. Drawn from three years of exclusive and unprecedented interviews Isaacson has conducted with Jobs as well as extensive interviews with Jobs’ family members, key colleagues from Apple and its competitors, iSteve is the definitive portrait of the greatest innovator of his generation."

