2010年4月13日 星期二


  在2010年的股票上一季,蘋果公司有398億美元現金,估計蘋果今年度手頭上的現金可達480億美元,相對於今天的台幣是15154億!1,515,400,000,000.00 $
  我建議蘋果要學習Google,敢花錢買公司。蘋果最近幾年只買了區區PA Semi和手機廣告公司Quattro。前者可能帶來A4 CPU的效率,後著可能帶來後來iAd廣告的效率。看起來將都是成功的。花這些錢相對於蘋果的手頭現金而言都是零錢的。
  以Adobe今天總市值而言也不過183億美元(蘋果是2190億美元),即就以手頭現金購買也可買兩個半Adobe。Adobe昨天發布CS5,股票先勝後衰,以平盤收盤。Adobe後市不看好,盡在言中。買Adobe,Why not?Think Different.

3 則留言:

  1. Because Adobe is too expensive, spending money to develop an Mac only Photoshop equivalent wont cost apple a Billion. Apple dont need Premiere, Flash, Soundbooth, Lightroom, or even Acrobat.

    Of coz, if Adobe was cheap enough, Apple would surely snap it. But at 20B, Adobe is hard to swallow.

  2. Yes, I agree with you. Wait, till it's cheaper (sooner).

  3. If AutoDesk did not so stupidly brought every single god damn 3D maker on the market they would have been a good choice for. But now they own Softimage, 3D Studio Max and Maya...... it is again too much repetition.
