2011年12月12日 星期一

iPhone 4S拍電影視訊能力:Let's Dance

根據 Walter Isaacson 接受紐約時報的訪問,提出Steve Jobs 最想創新的三大事:
1. 電視
2. 教科書
3. 攝影
He had three things that he wanted to reinvent: the television, textbooks and photography. He really wanted to take these on. I didn't go into details about these products in the book because it was implicitly Apple's creations and it's not fair to the company to reveal these details. But, he did talk about the television. He told me he'd “licked it” and once said, “There's no reason you should have all these complicated remote controls.””

我們已知蘋果正傾全力在發展新一代電視,也已知iPad正在一步步侵蝕教科書市場,也知道iPhone 4S的攝影能力。大家也即將在台灣親自嘗試iPhone 4S 拍照的能力 (見Canon 5D MKII 和 iPhone 4S 的相片)。但iPhone 4S的錄影能力,可能至少不輸給拍照,甚至會凌駕在拍攝像片的能力上。
William K. 在 vimeo 發表的“Let's Dance”
,可見攝影師的功力和 iPhone 4S的電影潛力:

Let's Dance / An iphone 4s Video from William K. on Vimeo.

4 則留言:

  1. 一針見血 老人的見識 非凡人也

  2. 是攝影師和舞者厲害,不是老人!

  3. 不可思議!那麼小的手機鏡頭!

  4. 只限在日光底下...
    到了室內, 你會想敲爛它..
