2011年10月31日 星期一

Jonathan Ive對Steve Jobs的追頌文: Thank you, Steve.

  在蘋果和Steve Jobs心中,地位最不可能被取代的Jonathan Ive,在蘋果公司內部的Steve Jobs追思會中發表他對Steve Jobs的感文。10月19日蘋果網站公開,當天的紀錄片,見“A celebration of Steve's life.”, 其中Jonathan Ive的追頌文,由 Geoff Coffey's Posterous 將其文字出來:

 “Steve used to say to me (and he used to say this a lot), "Hey Jony, here's a dopey idea." And sometimes they were — really dopey. Sometimes they were truly dreadful. But sometimes they took the air from the room, and they left us both completely silent. Bold, crazy, magnificent ideas. Or quiet, simple ones which, in their subtlety, their detail, were utterly profound. Steve過去常常跟我說(常常說了許多次)“嗨!Jony,我有個蠢主意。”有時候,這些主意倒真的是蠢到底。有時候,這些主意真的很可怕。但有時候,這些主意會讓整個房間變成真空,讓我們完全陷入沉默沈思中。有時主意是那樣大膽、瘋狂、和宏偉。有時主意卻又是那樣從容、簡單,但卻在微妙,和細節中帶有淵博的奧秘
And just as Steve loved ideas, and loved making stuff, he treated the process of creativity with a rare and a wonderful reverence. I think he, better than anyone, understood that while ideas ultimately can be so powerful, they begin as fragile, barely formed thoughts, so easily missed, so easily compromised, so easily just squished. 而正如同Steve對新創慨念和創作產品的熱愛,他對於創作的過程是罕見地、令人驚奇地崇敬。我認為,他比任何人都了解一個最終能產生巨大力量的創意,其實一開始時都是由一個極其脆弱、幾乎無法成形的慨念而來的,而這些慨念是如此輕易地會被錯過、被妥協、或是被擠壓。
I loved the way that he listened so intently. I loved his perception, his remarkable sensitivity, and his surgically precise opinion. I really believe there was a beauty in how singular, how keen his insight was, even though sometimes it could sting. 我喜歡他專注聆聽的方式。我喜歡他的洞察力、非凡的敏感性,和他如外科手術般精準的意見。我真的相信,在他那獨特、敏銳的眼神中,存在著一種美,儘管,有時候他的眼神很刺人。
As I'm sure many of you know, Steve didn't confine his sense of excellence to making products. When we travelled together, we would check in and I'd go up to my room. And I'd leave my bags very neatly by the door. And I wouldn't unpack. And I would go and sit on the bed. I would go and sit on the bed next to the phone. And I would wait for the inevitable phone call: "Hey Jony, this hotel sucks. Let's go." 我如大家所知,Steve不只是將他卓越的感官侷限在產品上。當我們一起去旅行時,我們會到櫃檯簽到,而我會進到房間裡。不過我不會打開行李,而是先坐在床上,在電話的旁邊,等著那通絕對會打來的電話說:“!Jony,這間旅館很爛,我們走吧!”
He used to joke that the lunatics had taken over the asylum, as we shared a giddy excitement spending months and months working on a part of a product that nobody would ever see. Not with their eyes. We did it because we really believed it was right because we cared. He believed that there was a gravity, almost a sense of civic responsibility, to care way beyond any sort of functional imperative.
While the work hopefully appeared inevitable, appeared simple and easy, it really cost. It cost us all, didn't it? But you know what? It cost him most. He cared the most. He worried the most deeply. He constantly questioned, "Is this good enough? Is this right?" And despite all his successes, all his achievements, he never assumed that we would get there in the end. When the ideas didn't come, and when the prototypes failed, it was with with great intent, with faith, that he decided to believe we would eventually make something great. 雖然最後的結果,作品無可避免地看起來似乎都很簡單、容易,但是這真的是犧牲了很多東西。我們都為此而犧牲,不是嗎?但是,你知道麼,他的犧牲最多,他關心最多,他憂心最深。他不斷地質疑:“這已經夠好了嗎?我們真的做對了嗎?”而且即使全是他的成功和成就,他總是不認為我們已做到頂點,而不能再進步了。當靈感不再來臨時,或當原型機失敗時,他仍保有偉大的意圖與信念,並決定相信我們最終可創作出某種偉大的作品來。
But the joy of getting there! I loved his enthusiasm, his simple delight (often, I think, mixed with some relief) that, yeah, we got there. We got there in the end and it was good. You can see his smile, can't you? The celebration of making something great for everybody, enjoying the defeat of cynicism, the rejection of reason, the rejection of being told a hundred times, "You can't do that." So his, I think, was a victory for beauty, for purity, and, as he would say, for giving a damn. 而當作品完成時,所有的喜悅就出現了!我喜歡他的熱情、他那單純的快樂(雖然,我想這也混合著我自己的一些解脫)。是的!我們已經到到目的地了!我們最後還是到達了目的地,而且成果也很棒。在那一刻,你可以看到他的微笑,不是嗎?慶祝我們為了大家做出了偉大的東西,享受著擊敗那些冷嘲熱諷、擊敗那些被退件的理由、擊敗那些被說了上百次的“你做不到!”。所以,我認為這是一場美的勝利、一場純淨的勝利,而他會說,這是該死的快樂。
He was my closest and my most loyal friend. We worked together for nearly fifteen years. (And he still laughed at the way I say "aluminium".) 他是我最親近、最忠誠的朋友。我們一起工作近十五年。(雖然,他還是會譏笑我說“aluminum”時的英國口音)。
For the past two weeks, we've all been struggling to find ways to say goodbye. This morning I simply want to end by saying, "Thank you, Steve." Thank you for your remarkable vision, which has united and inspired this extraordinary group of people. For all that we have learned from you, and for all that we will continue to learn from each other. Thank you, Steve.”在過去的兩個星期,我們都在掙扎著找出道別的方式。而在今天早上,我只想簡單的說:“謝了,Steve。”謝謝你那非凡的遠見,它可團結並激勵了這群非凡的人。對所有從你身上所學到的,以及今後我們將繼續彼此間學習到的,我要說聲:“謝謝你,Steve”。

PS: 老人無法翻譯Steve Jobs妹妹的追頌文,因為那會讓人想哭,但Jonathan Ive對Steve Jobs的追頌文讓人欣慰!友情可覓,親情無價。

