2011年10月31日 星期一


  宏碁的兩位大佬,喜歡攻擊蘋果的特性,事實上已經國內外聞名 (不是因為老人提出而已)!ㄧ次錯誤後,他們還是臉不紅,繼續說大話,這是他們打知名度的最佳方法。舉例看看electronista,其中“Acer thankful HP PC group survives to flight Apple”,文章一段話就可知:“The chairman and a number of other executives at Acer have focused much of their public commentary on Apple and have repeatedly insisted that Apple's success with the iPad was due to end at any moment and that Acer's Windows PCs would regain their status with little effort. A year ago, Wang argued that people would "return to their senses" and buy more PCs before long. After that failed to pass, he claimed again that netbooks and notebooks would recover in early spring this year, which didn't come true and saw Windows PCs grow much slower. While the company has had modest success with its Iconia Tab line, results have usually gone in the opposite direction of Wang's predictions. 宏基的王振堂主席和其他幾位主管喜歡在公共場合聚焦攻擊蘋果,他們重復強調蘋果的iPad隨時都可達頻死階段,所以宏基的PC電腦可不費ㄧ力重回昔日光榮。一年前王振堂辯論說,不需多久時間,消費者就將拾回他們的理性,重新買PC。當這個預測失準時,他再度宣稱筆電和netbook將在今年春天恢復市場佔有率。但事實上他的預言又再度錯誤了,視窗PC生長動力變慢。雖然宏基的Iconia Tab可有某種程度的成功,結果事實上和王董的預言又是相反。”

   當惠普前任執行長決定把PC分割後,宏基王振堂看到了他ㄧ生最大的機會!台灣的股票分析師,也賭上宏基的機會。但萬事難料,當惠普換了執行長,而前天新任執行長決定不把PC分割!請見“惠普切割PC未定 宏碁搶食落空”,文中“惠普有意出售PC部門引發市場恐慌,並造就宏碁9月出貨可能因此受惠暴衝,據供應鏈表示,宏碁9月因搶食惠普訂單,出貨有機會衝到200萬台,10月出貨也可望優於9月”。
 “HP would help drive Windows' return to form and help everyone。”惠普可幫忙視窗重建,對每個人(每家公司)都有好處。



