2011年4月6日 星期三

何謂新一代電腦: Next computer is iPad

離開Nokia的Horace Dediu, 在他的新Asymco公司上提出新一代電腦的定義:
 "The definition of a new generation of computing is that the new products rely on new input and output methods, and allow a new population of non-expert users to use the product more cheaply and simply"."新一代電腦,就是一個,有新的輸出和輸入,加上可讓非專家使用的簡單又便宜的裝置。"
根據Macworld,蘋果創辦人之一,Steve Wozniak,接受訪問時提出他對Tablet的觀點:平板就是普通人用的電腦,"The tablet is not necessarily for the people in the room, it's for the normal people in the world. "
他也說這一直都是Steve Jobs一開始創造蘋果的本意:
"I think Steve Jobs had that intention from the day we started Apple, but it was just hard to get there, because we had to go through a lot of steps where you connected to things, and (eventually) computers grew up to where they could do ... normal consumer appliance things." "Steve Jobs在我們創立蘋果的第一天就有這樣的意圖,但當時做到這一點很難,因為我們需要邁出很多步去克服,但最終電腦還是得需要能夠滿足普通消費者的日常應用" (全文見Tablet is the PC for 'normal' people.)


