2011年11月17日 星期四

199吃到飽,但會失火?Kindle Fire的使用者經驗和市場策略

Amazon 的 Kindle Fire 一出場前後,重量級的review也先後出爐,但就跟一般分析師不同,除了199 可能吃到飽外,似乎飽了也會拉肚子?
AllthingsD 的Walter S. Mossberg在Fire上市前以先試用,但似乎不如預期。MacDailyNews 列出 21 項 Mossberg 試用文章中的弱點:

1. is much less capable and versatile than the entry-level iPad 沒有入門級 iPad 的使用性和多樣性功能
2. has a fraction of the apps 只有少數App可用
3. has a smaller screen; less than half the surface area of the iPad's display 螢幕小,不到 iPad 一半
4. lacks basic built-in apps such as a calendar, notepad or maps 沒內置日常 App,如日曆、筆記本、地圖等
5. for those who don't care about the above built-in apps, the Fire may seem too heavy and costly (meaning every potential customer is now excluded) 即使不在意沒上述內置App的顧客而言,Fire相對的太重也太貴
6. has hardware that's plain and clunky with with zero style 硬體簡單不細緻,沒有任何特別設計
7. has inconveniently located or no essential physical buttons or controls (home, volume)無或位置不方便使用的實體控制鍵,如Home和聲音鍵等。
8. has no cameras or microphone 沒內置攝影機
9. has no GPS 沒內置GPS
10. has no Bluetooth for headsets or wireless speakers 無內建藍芽
11. has no included earbuds 不含耳機頭
12. has no built-in cellular connectivity 沒內置3G
13. has no included cable for connecting to a computer 包裝不含電腦連線
14. has limited memory for storing content such as movies記憶體不夠存視訊檔案
15. has a frustrating interface 使用者界面讓人挫折
16. has a problem with its touch calibration 觸控準度有問題
17. is difficult to stop scrolling on the desired item 讓捲軸停止困難
18. requires more pressure than it should to open selections打開選項時須更大壓力
19. browses noticeably slower than an iPad 瀏覽器速度慢
20. has inferior display of magazines and newspapers compared to iPad 雜誌和新聞顯示較差
21. has only 60% of iPad's battery life 電池使用約iPad的60%

PC大本營 PC World 也很不客氣,只給它 2 星半
標題更是諷刺:“Amazon Kindle Fire Misfires
亞馬遜的 Kindle Fire 失火了!
The Amazon Kindle Fire makes trade-offs to achieve a $200 price. It's easy to dismiss some of the compromises and weaknesses of the Kindle Fire as the sacrifices necessary to achieve a price point, but the reality is that the Fire may not meet your expectations if you're looking for an Apple iPad 2-like tablet.
For those people who go in knowing what they're getting, and who want an inexpensive tablet that capably--though not spectacularly--handles their Amazon books, music, and video, the Kindle Fire's limitations may be acceptable. However, the Fire falls far short of providing a full and satisfying tablet experience.

亞馬遜每出廠一臺 Kindle Fire 要虧 10至50美金。但這是它的戰略!它知道只有它自己有足夠的“內容 content”,如書籍、音樂、電影、等,而其他 Android 平板廠商沒有!
亞馬遜的 Kindle Fire 慢了其他Android平板半年至一年時間,必須以價格取勝,尤其是其他Android 平板到目前幾乎仍是有行無市的情況下,價格將可一網打儘所有的 Android 平板!!
使用者經驗差又何妨?不好用又如何?其他 Android 平板也是半斤八両的一樣差!甚至於更壞。沒用過iPad的人,也根本不知道自己的不好,也不知道可以更好,所以沒差。
所以老人好佩服亞馬遜執行長,“199吃到飽,吃壞肚子有何妨!” 。雖然 Kindle Fire 只不過是另一臺彩色電子書 Kindle!

也難怪蘋果執行長Tim Cook會老神在在,認為 亞馬遜 Kindle Fire 只會讓 Android 市場更加分離破碎 Fragmentation!

