1994年義大利小說家Umberto Eco提出蘋果和微軟的戰爭是一個宗教戰爭的理論。他認為蘋果是天主教徒(Catholic),而微軟是新教徒(Protestant)。
他說蘋果啟示錄的本質是透過簡單的程式和華麗的圖標。每個人都有權力得救。"It is catechistic: The essence of revelation is dealt with via simple formulae and sumptuous icons. Everyone has a right to salvation."
相反地微軟的DOS是新教徒,每個人可自由解釋經文。為了使系統正確工作,你必須理解自己的計畫,用戶是在自己封閉孤獨的內心環境中折磨。"It allows free interpretation of scripture. To make the system work you need to interpret the program yourself: The user is closed within the loneliness of his won inner torment."
所以蘋果生態園區是一個教會?蘋果迷是教徒。Steve Jobs當然是教宗。
所以有人認為iPhone天線門打不垮蘋果,因為iPhone對蘋果迷而言是神聖的。這可不是隨便說說而已,而是有正式文獻發表的 (見 Alexis Madrigal: The varieties of religious experience: How Apple stays divine、Russell W. Belk: The cult of Macintosh、Skye Jethani: Apple, The new religion?、Heidi Campbell: How the iPhone became divine)。
雖然資質弩鈍,但是看到是Eco 發言便覺妙不可言:)