2012年5月31日 星期四

Steve Jobs兩位老朋友在D10對他的評語:The Lessons of Steve Jobs

在AllThingsD的D10座談會中請了兩位早年就跟Steve Jobs相識的老朋友,Larry Ellison (甲骨文 Oracle的執行長)和Ed Catmull (皮卡斯Pixar總裁) ,來分享早期對Steve的觀感。這裡人早期在Steve Jobs離開蘋果的那一段時間跟Steve Jobs相處最久,最能反應他做事的態度。
Ed Catmull說道:“The way he negotiated, the way he interacted with people, didn't initially work well. Steve never came to a story meeting. It was actually pretty amazing. He trusted that others knew things he didn't. His heart intellectually was inside Apple. He knew the difference of when to be in it and how to support others. Steve談判的方式,他與人互動的方式,常常最初是沒辦法成功的。Steve從未出席皮卡斯電影的編劇故事會議。此事實際上是相當驚人的。他相信那些懂他自己不懂的人。他的心智力是來至蘋果原始內部的。他知道何時和如何支持別人的差異。”
Larry Ellison說道:“He wasn't trying to be rich. He wasn't trying to be famous. He wasn't trying to be powerful. He was obsessed with the creative process and building something that was beautiful. He was a bit of a control freak. He wanted to engineer every bit of the user experience. Steve did want to debate things. You had to be able to persuade him, but he would listen. The best idea wins. He wanted to build the best possible products. He had enough knowledge and understanding of the complete system to work with engineers as a great editor. He had Picasso's aesthetic and Edison's inventiveness.”他從未想成為有錢的富人,他從未想要成為有名氣的人,他從未想要成為有權利的人。但卻痴迷於創作和建設美麗的東西。你幾乎可稱他為控制狂。他想控制用戶體驗的每一個步驟。但是他沒反對辯論事情,只是你必須能夠說服他,他也會聽。最佳的創意總是贏家。他希望建立最好的產品。他有足夠的知識和了解整套系統,足以和工程師合作,是一個偉大的統合編輯者。所以Steve Jobs是個有著畢加索的審美觀和愛迪生的發明能力的人

