2011年12月22日 星期四


經過14次在CES(Consumer Electronics Show)的開幕演說,微軟將在2012年的CES做最後一次的離別演出!
微軟的Frank Shaw說得好:“Our industry moves fast and changes faster. And so the way we communicate with our customers must change in equally speedy ways. To ensure it does, we constantly challenge our assumptions. 我們IT產業進展和改變非常的快速。所以微軟和顧客的溝通必須有等同的速度。為達此目標,微軟得不斷的挑戰這個承擔。

Frank Shaw話中有話,他指CES太慢了,無法反映時代的腳步!?還是在學蘋果退出CES和Macworld?2008年蘋果退出Macworld當時 ,蘋果也發表類似的聲明:“Apple is reaching more people in more ways than ever before, so like many companies, trade shows have become a very minor part of how Apple reaches its customers. The increasing popularity of Apple's Retail Stores, which more than 3.5 million people visit every week, and the Apple.com website enable Apple to directly reach more than a hundred million customers around the world in innovative new ways. 

不過也有人說微軟是被趕出CES,而不是退出!“Microsoft didn't pull out of the keynote — they were kicked out. Big difference.”(見 GiGaOM: Mystery: Who killed the Microsoft CES keynote?
年!但這真是好笑到底,因為2011年開幕時也說2011年是平板年!只是到頭來變為Steve Jobs的“2011: The Year of iPad”。

事實上2007年以後,CES的魅影就是沒參加的蘋果公司和Steve Jobs!見“CES的歌劇魅影”。今年Steve Jobs不在人世,他成為CES舞台背面真正的魅影!

