2011年11月5日 星期六


   今天蘋果公佈將給與6位最高層主管每人15萬股的蘋果股票,等現於大約6000千萬美元的股票選擇權,一方面獎勵,一方面防止他們在精神領袖 Steve Jobs 過世後,離開蘋果。15萬股中的一半要到2013年的6月21日不離職才可兌現,另一半要到2016年的3月21日不離職才可兌現。即一半綁約3年,全部綁約6年。
   所以加上先前公告的新iTunes主管Eddy Cue的10萬股。和Tim Cook的100萬股。共有8人將獲得可觀的財富。
    但蘋果有9位最高上層主管,如 9to5mac 顯示的上圖。但一位沒被公告有否給予獎勵,請問是那一位?

6 則留言:

  1. 文中提到:
    There were only two people from Apple’s senior leadership team for whom Apple did not disclose stock grants on Friday. One is Jonathan Ive, the company’s senior vice president for industrial design, whose position at the company does not trigger S.E.C. rules requiring public disclosure of stock awards.

  2. 記得好像不久前阿婆以經單獨給艾夫一大筆股票選擇權了!?

  3. Jovy was the first one who granted the stock options when the rumour that he wished to go back to UK for his kids, before Steve got the third sick leave. So this time he, just like Tim Cook, does not get anything in this time.
