2010年10月15日 星期五

John Sculley對蘋果和Steve Jobs的回顧

  有關John Sculley接受Cult of Mac的訪問有更精采的回顧:
  "他進來蘋果時他完全不曉得電腦(come in not knowing anything about computer)。他離開時也還不懂電腦(still didn't know very much about computers)。當時的董事會認為Steve Jobs太年輕了不適合做執行長,因此想藉由他在推銷百事可樂成功的市場經驗來幫忙推銷蘋果。當他和Steve Jobs共事的兩年中,所有的設計慨念都全來至Steve Jobs (All the design ideas were clearly Steve's.)。Jobs離開後蘋果還能成功的時段就是仍然在使用Jobs的慨念。"
  John Sculley認為Steve Jobs 25年來做事的分法仍然沒變!:
1. Beautiful product (漂亮的產品)
---He always love beautiful product, especially hardware. The thing that connected Steve and me was industrial design. It's wasn't computing. 他總是喜歡漂亮的東西。
2. Experience of user (使用者或是顧客經驗)
---He always looked at things from the perspective of what was the user's experience going to be? Steve had this perspective that always started with the user's experience, and that industrial design was an incredibly important part of that user impression. 他總是以使用者的角度來看產品該走的方向。以使用者經驗為出發點,而強調工業設計是帶來使用者印象的無可比擬的重點。
3. Perfectionist (完美主義者)
---He was a person of huge vision. He was also a person that believed in the precise detail of every step. He was methodical and careful about everything, a perfectionist to the end. 他是一個有巨大遠見的人。他注重每一個小步驟,小細節
4. Minimalist (小化主義者,極簡主義)
---What makes Steve' methodology different from everyone else's is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do--but the things that you decide not to do. He's a minimalist. Steve做事的方法和其他人不同的地方在於他相信成功的決策在於決定不做什麼事,而不是做什麼事 (有所不為重於有所為,見加法和減法原則)。I remember going into Steve' house ad he had almost no furniture in it. He just had a picture of Einstein, whom he admired greatly, and he had a Tiffany lamp, a chair and a bed. He just didn't believe in having lots of things around but he was incredibly careful in what he selected. The same thing was true with Apple。我記得當我進入Steve家中時,我發現他幾乎沒有家具,只有他崇拜的愛因斯坦像片,一個Tiffany燈具,一張椅子和一張床。他不相信他周遭有必要放那樣多東東,但是他對於他所選用的東西極端謹慎挑剃

