,雖然跟大家一樣,離職原因都是 "生捱規劃",但實際上就是砍頭,下台一鞠躬。
但老人認為最應該離職的不是別人,就是 CEO Steve Ballmer!
Vista的失敗,事實上也會連帶 Window mobile 和 Courier (快信差) 的失敗。原因很簡單,這些都需電腦系統的支援,跟蘋果一樣,這些都是微軟生態區的一員。雖然Window 7 似乎已受好評,但時機已失。市場先機已被逼入死角。
公司的創始者因為經營失敗而離開公司的,比比接是。蘋果老闆Steve Jobs就是一個,Yahoo的楊致遠也是一個。
Steve Ballmer 沒有 "Vision"!沒有先見視野,是無法在目前IT界變化萬千,一決定勝負的時代當CEO的。
Steve Ballmer的"名言":
"Apple gained about one point, but now I think the tide has really turned back the other direction. The economy is helpful. Paying an extra $500 for a computer in this environment---same piece of hardware---paying $500 more to get a logo on it?" (March, 2009,背景經濟不景氣時。說蘋果使用者多花500美金,只是為了商標。暗示經濟不景氣,蘋果會完蛋。)
"We will continue to work with manufactures for cell phones, PDAs, and also PCx. But every now and then, where it makes sense, Microsoft could build its own devices. We will let you know what they will look like when the times is ready" (April, 2006,背景Apple iPod成功。說微軟已跟其他公司在做手機和PDA。微軟自己可做,完工會隨時告訴你)
2008年Steve Ballmer在一個演講中說微軟4萬員工中百分之70,已用微軟雲端技術。他顯然以為用網路就是雲端!
老人希望這不是微軟的雲端 (Microsoft's Cloud),因為那是"箱子內的風雲Cloud in a Box"!
後記:今天PC大本營已對微軟的重組和殺頭動作放鞭炮慶祝(Microsoft can be Winnner in War between Apple and Google)。大家可看看。它的武器還是老掉牙的Office和Exchange Server。
Give me new idea, please!
Thanks for sharing your post.....
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