自從iPhone 4有視網膜螢幕的解析度以後,全世界的人突然都對人類的眼底有興趣了!
所以當台灣的世界謠言大本營,Digitimes,提出蘋果下一代2012年第二季 Macbook Pro 將可有視網膜螢幕時,2880x1800解析度,就馬上成為各大報的頭條!
可能,螢幕硬體也做得到,但不可行,因為老人說到 ......
在老人的前文,“解析度的迷失:Resolution Independence 介面(自足解析度)”,其中提到:“大家由沒有注意到,當電腦螢幕的解析度增加到一個程度,但螢幕畫面仍一樣時,螢幕上的字全部變為螞蟻字,到最後根本看不到字!螢幕上的icon也變小的可憐,點都點不到!除了PC技術宅男的可能好眼睛好視力外,你會要這個螢幕麼?”
要突破這個難解的難題,就是要有“Resolution Independence介面技術”。大家看一下你身邊的iPhone 4,拿起來和 iPhone 3GS ㄧ比,就馬上知道答案了!iPhone 4 有解析度是960x640的螢幕,比iPhone 3GS的480x320大,大4倍,而兩者的螢幕實際大小一樣。但在iPhone 4上的字體和icon圖示大小卻和iPhone 3GS 一樣,沒變小!
大家再看一下你手上的Macbook Air,尤其11寸,螢幕看像片漂亮的要死,但系統字是不是小的讓你看不到?因為它螢幕對角只11寸,但解析度是16:9 長寬比解析度是1366 x 768。系統字在螢幕上變小了!你在看螞蟻字!
老人對於麥金塔新系統Lion,最大的失望之一便是它仍無法全部支援 Resolution Independence 自足解析度介面技術 (見當時的偉大期望 “Resolution Independence自足解析度可能出現於Lion:視網膜螢幕上蘋果電腦!”、和“蘋果的Lion作業系統支援Resolution Independence和視網膜螢幕的證明”)。
所以除非蘋果真的升級下一代的Lion系統,讓它解決了解析度的難題,全部支援自足解析度,光是把MacBook Pro的螢幕升級到視網膜程度,是欺騙你!
另外一個問題是,有必要麼?請一定要看“ iPad 3 螢幕的 resolution 解析度 和 pixel density 像位數濃度”。
所以不可能的謠言,蘋果Macbook Pro有視網膜螢幕,是可能實現,除非...
當27" iMac的解像度也只是2560x1440,如果MBP(假設是17")去到2880x1800,第一樣會發生就是上網的圖片變得超細,或是解像度嚴重不足,高清電影亦不再高清,到時不是享受,而是難受!除非有技術能輕鬆地使所有媒體的解像度自動倍增,否則目前還不是倍增顯示屏像素的時候。
回覆刪除It is too long and my Chinese typing aren't that fast. So i write in English here, i am sure old man would understand :D
回覆刪除Resolution Independence was originally a Vector Scale Interface Marketing name. Vector Graphics can scale very well. As the graphics are made of Maths equation instead of storing individual pixels. However Half way making the thing called Resolution Independence they realize Vector Graphics while scales, they will never look as good as pixel graphics. For a company that has no compromises and design their UI to Pixel Perfection, this is certainly not acceptable.
So Resolution Independence has instead been used as something else. Design Pixel Perfect Icons for each individual Standard resolution. And Scaled down the graphics from a Higher resolution if your screen resolution does not fit.
That is why you see HiDpi images in recent Lion.
And Fronts being Smalls has more to do with Software tweaking its setting to see fit rather then Resolutions Independence. Scaling up DPI has always been an option on Windows. However It just never looked good.
回覆刪除thanks for comment and give me these wonderful informations. I had indeed read the article from ars technica months ago (Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: the Ars Technica review, http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2011/07/mac-os-x-10-7.ars/14) after mention of HiDPI in previous article, now it proved I was wrong in some aspect of concept.
Thanks for support 老人和蘋果