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雖然台灣大街小巷都看得到的韓國三星在7.8.9.月全球市佔是蘋果的兩倍,見前文,但美國的故事不同。美國三大支援iPhone的電訊公司已前後公佈財報,AT&T財報有470萬隻iPhone登錄,佔所有智慧型手機的77%,而Verizon則有310萬隻iPhone,佔45%,Sprint報出有150萬隻iPhone登錄。 三家的智慧型手機登錄共1600萬隻,而其中930萬隻是iPhone,佔58.1%。 所以根據readwrite.com,蘋果iPhone仍然第一位。因為美國電訊網絕大部份都掌握在這三家公司中。而iPhone 5基本上在此季還都未真正發揮影響力。 |
2012年10月26日 星期五
IDC於10月26日公佈全球智慧型手機廠在2012年7.8.9.月一季的表現。台灣人最喜歡的三星果然仍持續王座的氣勢,智慧手機全球出貨量由年對年同期的2810萬隻升為5630 萬支,佔31.3%。
而根據蘋果剛公布數據,iPhone賣出達2691萬隻,比去年同季的1707.3萬隻多58% (IDC數據是iPhone出貨量是2690萬隻,由去年的1710萬支增成長57.3%),IDC以自己數據算出蘋果iPhone市占率為15%,而去年為13.8% 。
RIM黑莓機為4.3%,由去年的9.3%大降34.7%。中國的中興通訊ZTE躍居市場第四,市占率由 3.3% 增至4.2%,大增 82.9%。
台灣的宏達電為第五,市占率由去年的10.3%驟降至4.0%!只出貨730 萬隻,而去年為1270 萬隻。
Strategy Analytics的報告類似,三星全球智慧手機出貨量達5690 萬支,市占率35.2%。而蘋果 iPhone的2690 萬佔16.6%。
PS: 除蘋果外,其他公司含三星,都沒提出真正的賣出量,而是出貨量。表中有的甚至於是IDC自己估計的量,如三星此次的數據。有關賣出量和出貨量,請看“出貨量和賣出成交量”的說明。
蘋果公佈融合碟Fusion Drive的支援文件
新款iMac公佈後,融合碟Fusion Drive引起大家的興趣。蘋果終於公佈融合碟Fusion Drive的技術文件,見同文。(文中暗示蘋果似乎係以系統軟體來控制融合碟Fusion Drive)
Presented as a single volume on your Mac, Fusion Drive automatically and dynamically moves frequently used files to Flash storage for quicker access, while infrequently used items move to the hard disk. As a result you'll enjoy shorter startup times, and as the system learns how you work you'll see faster application launches and quicker file access. Fusion Drive manages all this automatically in the background.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to configure Fusion Drive?
When ordered with a Fusion Drive, your iMac or Mac mini is pre-configured.
2. Can external USB, FireWire, or Thunderbolt hard drives be added to Fusion Drive?
External drives cannot be added to Fusion Drive. 外接硬碟不能用為融合碟Fusion Drive
3. Can I add a partition to the hard disk with Fusion Drive?
Using Disk Utility, you can add one partition to the hard disk on Fusion Drive. Once you add the partition, the "plus" symbol in Disk Utility to add additional partitions will be grayed out. You cannot partition the Flash storage. 可以做分割磁區,但只能在硬碟分割一區,在SSD不可分割。
4. If I create a hard disk partition is it part of Fusion Drive?
The additional partition is not part of Fusion Drive. The new partition is a separate volume that is physically located on the hard disk drive. 若分割,就是獨立運作的傳統硬碟,不再是融合碟的一部分。
5. Can I add a Windows partition?
You can create one additional partition on the hard disk with Fusion Drive. You can create either a Mac OS X partition or a Windows partition.
If creating a Windows partition, use Boot Camp Assistant to create it, not Disk Utility. From the Go menu, choose Utilities. Then, double-click Boot Camp Assistant and follow the onscreen instructions. For more information on Boot Camp see the Boot Camp support page. 若分割,分割區可為Windows (用 Boot Camp Assistant,但3TB硬碟不能)或Mac。
Note: Boot Camp Assistant is not supported at this time on 3TB hard drive configurations.
7. I receive a "disk is too small for this operation" message when creating a partition. Why?
The partition you are trying to create has a larger size than free space available on the hard disk drive. Reduce the size of the partition you are trying to create and try again.
8. Can a Fusion Drive be mounted on another system in Target Disk Mode?
Yes, but the system attempting to mount the Fusion Drive in Target Disk Mode must have OS X Mountain Lion version 10.8.2 or later. A Fusion Drive will not appear as a Target Disk Mode volume or startup disk on earlier versions of Mac OS X. 支援配備至少Mac OS X 10.8.2以上的Mac使用Fusion Drive成為Target Disk Mode。
9. Can third-party disk utilities be used with a Fusion Drive?
Third party disk utilities may or may not work with a Fusion Drive. Check with the third-party software vendor to check for compatibility with a Fusion Drive.
10. I'm using video capture software and it reports frame drops during sustained captures. What could be wrong?
Your project's capture requirements may exceed the sustained capture rate available to your Fusion Drive. Try capturing a smaller segment of the source or reduce its resolution.
11. I've recently reset NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory, also known as PRAM) and now my Fusion Drive is starting up more slowly. How can I fix this?
The reset removed your Startup Disk setting from NVRAM. To access the setting, choose System Preferences from the Apple () menu. Then, click Startup Disk and then Macintosh HD. Note: You may have to click the lock icon at the bottom of the window and enter your system administrator password to manage this setting.
Additional Information
The version of Disk Utility that comes with Fusion Drive is unique. Earlier versions of Disk Utility can't be used with a Fusion Drive.
If your system will not start because you see a flashing question mark or another alert:
1. Press the Power button and hold it down to power off your system.
2. Press the Power button again. After you hear the startup chime, press and hold Command-Option-R to start up to the Internet version of Mountain Lion Recovery.
3. A globe should appear with a "Starting Internet Recovery" message. It is now OK to release Command-Option-R.
4. A progress bar should appear and Internet Recovery should start ask you to select a language.
5. Once you select a language, click Disk Utility in the window that appears and then click Continue.
6. If your Fusion Drive can be repaired with Disk Utility, you'll see a Disk icon with red lettering. Click the disk icon.
7. To repair the volume, click Fix. CAUTION: Clicking Fix will erase your Fusion Drive. If you have a Time Machine backup of your Fusion Drive Mac, see Mac 101: Time Machine for information on how to restore from a Time Machine backup once the drive has been erased.
8. After the repair is complete, the volume will change color to black. Quit Disk Utility, click Install Mac OS X, then click Continue to reinstall OS X Mountain Lion.
Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Presented as a single volume on your Mac, Fusion Drive automatically and dynamically moves frequently used files to Flash storage for quicker access, while infrequently used items move to the hard disk. As a result you'll enjoy shorter startup times, and as the system learns how you work you'll see faster application launches and quicker file access. Fusion Drive manages all this automatically in the background.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to configure Fusion Drive?
When ordered with a Fusion Drive, your iMac or Mac mini is pre-configured.
2. Can external USB, FireWire, or Thunderbolt hard drives be added to Fusion Drive?
External drives cannot be added to Fusion Drive. 外接硬碟不能用為融合碟Fusion Drive
3. Can I add a partition to the hard disk with Fusion Drive?
Using Disk Utility, you can add one partition to the hard disk on Fusion Drive. Once you add the partition, the "plus" symbol in Disk Utility to add additional partitions will be grayed out. You cannot partition the Flash storage. 可以做分割磁區,但只能在硬碟分割一區,在SSD不可分割。
4. If I create a hard disk partition is it part of Fusion Drive?
The additional partition is not part of Fusion Drive. The new partition is a separate volume that is physically located on the hard disk drive. 若分割,就是獨立運作的傳統硬碟,不再是融合碟的一部分。
5. Can I add a Windows partition?
You can create one additional partition on the hard disk with Fusion Drive. You can create either a Mac OS X partition or a Windows partition.
If creating a Windows partition, use Boot Camp Assistant to create it, not Disk Utility. From the Go menu, choose Utilities. Then, double-click Boot Camp Assistant and follow the onscreen instructions. For more information on Boot Camp see the Boot Camp support page. 若分割,分割區可為Windows (用 Boot Camp Assistant,但3TB硬碟不能)或Mac。
Note: Boot Camp Assistant is not supported at this time on 3TB hard drive configurations.
7. I receive a "disk is too small for this operation" message when creating a partition. Why?
The partition you are trying to create has a larger size than free space available on the hard disk drive. Reduce the size of the partition you are trying to create and try again.
8. Can a Fusion Drive be mounted on another system in Target Disk Mode?
Yes, but the system attempting to mount the Fusion Drive in Target Disk Mode must have OS X Mountain Lion version 10.8.2 or later. A Fusion Drive will not appear as a Target Disk Mode volume or startup disk on earlier versions of Mac OS X. 支援配備至少Mac OS X 10.8.2以上的Mac使用Fusion Drive成為Target Disk Mode。
9. Can third-party disk utilities be used with a Fusion Drive?
Third party disk utilities may or may not work with a Fusion Drive. Check with the third-party software vendor to check for compatibility with a Fusion Drive.
10. I'm using video capture software and it reports frame drops during sustained captures. What could be wrong?
Your project's capture requirements may exceed the sustained capture rate available to your Fusion Drive. Try capturing a smaller segment of the source or reduce its resolution.
11. I've recently reset NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory, also known as PRAM) and now my Fusion Drive is starting up more slowly. How can I fix this?
The reset removed your Startup Disk setting from NVRAM. To access the setting, choose System Preferences from the Apple () menu. Then, click Startup Disk and then Macintosh HD. Note: You may have to click the lock icon at the bottom of the window and enter your system administrator password to manage this setting.
Additional Information
The version of Disk Utility that comes with Fusion Drive is unique. Earlier versions of Disk Utility can't be used with a Fusion Drive.
If your system will not start because you see a flashing question mark or another alert:
1. Press the Power button and hold it down to power off your system.
2. Press the Power button again. After you hear the startup chime, press and hold Command-Option-R to start up to the Internet version of Mountain Lion Recovery.
3. A globe should appear with a "Starting Internet Recovery" message. It is now OK to release Command-Option-R.
4. A progress bar should appear and Internet Recovery should start ask you to select a language.
5. Once you select a language, click Disk Utility in the window that appears and then click Continue.
6. If your Fusion Drive can be repaired with Disk Utility, you'll see a Disk icon with red lettering. Click the disk icon.
7. To repair the volume, click Fix. CAUTION: Clicking Fix will erase your Fusion Drive. If you have a Time Machine backup of your Fusion Drive Mac, see Mac 101: Time Machine for information on how to restore from a Time Machine backup once the drive has been erased.
8. After the repair is complete, the volume will change color to black. Quit Disk Utility, click Install Mac OS X, then click Continue to reinstall OS X Mountain Lion.
Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
就跟在iPad mini的介紹會上一樣,麥金塔電腦的iMac才是真正的讓人驚艷。蘋果於10月25的財報中真正讓人眼亮的是麥金塔Mac個人電腦!
MacBook賣出達395.5萬台,比去年同季的361.6萬台多9.38%,比上季301萬台還多31.4%,見來自 MacWorld 的圖示。桌上型iMac和Mac mini共賣出96.8萬台,比去年同季的127.8萬台少24.3%,比上季101萬台少4.2%。全部麥金塔而言,共賣出492.3萬台,比去年同季489.4台微多0.6%,但比上季的402萬台,多出22.46%!
所以MacBook佔80%的Mac銷售量。而且整體而言,不像PC此季出貨少8.6%,蘋果還在增加中!MacBook因為新機銷售驚人。更重要的是, 歷史上第一次MacBook的平均銷售價比桌上型Mac還高,如下圖。
顯然地,新款MacBook Air、MacBook Pro、和15寸視網膜MacBook帶動平均售價和買氣!加上現在加入的13寸視網膜MacBook,和新款iMac,聖誕季麥金塔還是看好!
今年9月29日截止的蘋果會計年度第四季於10月25日盤後公佈,因為iPhone 5在9月14日開始預購,一天內全球預售就賣光200萬台。9月21日在9國零售店開賣iPhone 5,三天賣出500萬隻iPhone。所以預購沒幾天就開始繼續缺貨,因為預購不算營收,以出貨為標準,此季蘋果真正賣出的iPhone 5大約只8天。
iPhone賣出達2691萬隻,比去年同季的1707.3萬隻多58%,但和上季2602.8萬隻微多,見來自 MacWorld 的圖示。9to5Mac列出59個專業和業餘分析師對此季蘋果賣出的iPhone預測值,平均是2630萬隻,所以平均值相當正確,但比專業分析師的預測2540萬隻要高。
所以iPhone的銷售仍然強勁!在iPhone 5的支援下,聖誕季會爆發,前提是鴻海做得做不出來?!因為到處都買不到貨。
老人:蘋果沒如老人預測會宣布在下月在台灣推出iPhone。失望。但暗示12月將在“很大的國家”開賣 (想也知道是中國)。
iPad賣出達1403.6萬隻,比去年同季的1112.3萬隻多26% (若用sell-through實賣為44%--較正確,見“出貨量和賣出成交量”),比上季1704.2萬隻少,見來自 MacWorld 的圖示。iPad的營收達75.1億美元,只比去年同期的68.68億美元,增9.35%。
iPad的銷售在此季特別重要,因為所有消息都知道iPad mini將於10月推出,消費者會有觀望態度。另外營收的增加幅度顯然小於數量的增加。大概是因為許多用戶仍選用較低價的第2代iPad或容量較小的視網膜iPad,而不是選較高價高容量的視網膜iPad。
蘋果官方對iPad mini的推出策略也提出說明:iPad mini不是一個小、便宜的iPad,而是一個全部功能的iPad (“When we set out to build the iPad mini, we didn’t set out to be a small, cheap tablet, we set out to build a full iPad.”)。iPad mini的價格較低,但仍比一般市場上7寸Android平板高價。對此Tim Cook也辯解提出,iPad不是沒有受過低價平板的威脅,如Amazon Kindle,但iPad依然在市場上打敗任何低價的平板。聰明的消費者對iPad的期望高,希望的是一個可提供更多需求的iPad。(“We’ve seen low-cost challengers before, iPad continues to beat any other tablet on the market at any price. We think customers are very smart, we think they have high expectations, we think that they want a device that can do more. We think our focus on making the best product is what will win at the end of the day, and we will stay true to that.”)
根據蘋果Tim Cook的說法,每台iPad mini的整體利潤有意義地比其他裝置平均值要低!所以iPad mini非低價搶市,而是貨真價實。而且蘋果永遠不會出所謂的7寸平板!
老人:用對角線來表示螢幕大小的時代應讓它過去,因為消費者都容易被欺騙!iPad用7.85寸對角線,表面積29.6平方英吋,4:3比率螢幕,重量是308-312公克。而以Google的Nexus 7,七寸平板為例,它是19.85x12x10.45公分,16:10比率螢幕,340公克,表面積21.9平方英寸,只有iPad mini的74%!
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